Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Ep03.11c: Unpacking Series - Evil/Sin (why it exists)
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
The seven hour exploration into evil and sin continues. Given the scope and sheer volume of information on this issue, we have broken the study into six sections:
a: a definition of evil/sin
b: what evil/sin results in
c: why a perfect, good, loving, and omnipotent God allows evil/sin
d: a working list of all the evils/sins the Bible mentions
e: how God interacts with and responds to sin
f: how we are to minimize, interact with, and respond to sin
Here in part C, we look deeply, broadly, biblically, philosophically into why might a good, loving, just, sovereign, perfect God allow the sheer volume of sin and evil that He does, even though He hates it. This can be a very illuminating, encouraging search for you. We find it the best, most comprehensive explanation we've ever come across. Please consider taking time to work through this episode, chew on its propositions, and be encouraged by its implications.
Here is the TIMESTAMP for this episode:
0:00 - a real quick recap of the first two episodes (3.11a-b) on the defintion of evil/sin and what it results in.
2:39 - thinking through initially the question of why God allows sin - the problem of evil and theodicies that attempt to explain it, a quick recap of the concept of inter-determinism, and discussing traditional answers to why God allows evil/sin, and why they may be incomplete.
21:05 - presenting a fairly comprehensive, powerful, enlightening theory as to why God intentionally created a broken prologue and what it means for us.
1:08:41 - some thoughts & feedback & encouragement regarding this proposal.
1:16:32 - given this idea of why God allows evil/sin, now looking into more detail into why humans (including Christians) sin, some hope in the midst of that, and why sin is serious rather than critical.
1:37:17 - forming a final conclusion that given the full story God wants to tell sin was necessary, potential pushback against that and responses to that pushback, and implications of this going forward.
[Invitation link to the Rekindling band app: https://band.us/n/aea3wcHf72n3Y]
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Ep03.11b: Unpacking Series - Evil/sin (results of)
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
The seven hour exploration into evil and sin continues. Given the scope and sheer volume of information on this issue, we have broken the study into six sections:
a: a definition of evil/sin
b: what evil/sin results in
c: why a perfect, good, loving, and omnipotent God allows evil/sin
d: a working list of all the evils/sins the Bible mentions
e: how God interacts with and responds to sin
f: how we are to minimize, interact with, and respond to sin
Here is the TIMESTAMP for this episode B:
0:00 - starting with a quick recap of the first episode (3.11a) on the defintion of evil/sin.
2:26 - looking into what happens when we commit evil or sin, what the specific results, reactions, or consequences of sin are.
14:30 - considering whether evil/sin is a 'critical' issue or a 'serious' one.
24:21 - acknowledging the benefits of resisting sin
25:24 - understanding why God hates sin
28:30 - some quick comments on the application of resisting sin (more details in episode 3:11f) and wrap-up
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
2018 Spring Schedule of Rekindling studies & groups
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Here is the calendar of Spring studies and groups. I really want to encourage you to consider taking one or more of them, as each of them are designed to stir your passions for God, others, and self more, help you hone your perspectives on life and increase your biblical understanding, encourage you to improving your decisions and behavior, and and contributing to you finding more love, joy, and peace.
They are:
KNOW THYSELF – an 11-week study into figuring out how God wired you and for what purpose. Sundays 1:30-3:30pm, Feb 04 – Apr 15. Cost is $90/person or $150/couple, which covers all the material, all eleven sessions, and the 4-hour 1on1 mapping (where we lay out all your answers, identify patterns/themes, and come to a conclusion on what your calling is). Limit 7 people, and these slots fill quickly.
KNOW THYSELF II – this is has long been in the works, and we are finally rolling it out! For anyone who has already taken Know Thyself and identified what the niche in life is, KT II will help you put together a course of action to make your calling a reality. This will be done via a combination of encouraging group sessions and 1on1 sessions with a really talented coach, Stephen Feilds. The cost is $90/person which covers six total sessions (a steal in the coaching world). (For details on start date and location, contact us at info@rekindlingministries.com)
UNPACKING: Patience/Endurance – a 4-week comprehensive study of Scripture into what patience and endurance entail, how they are developed, and what they result in. Cost is $20/person. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, Feb 06 – Feb 27.
UNPACKING: Anger – a 4-week look into Scripture to see what anger is, why & how God uses it, and what we are to do with it. Cost is $20/person. Saturdays, 10am-noon, Feb 03 – 24.
UNPACKING: Prayer – an 11-week study into what the Scriptures say about prayer, what it is, what it results in, and practical ways to pray without ceasing. Cost is $10/person. Sundays, 11:15am-12:30pm, Feb 04 – Apr 01.
UNPACKING: Grief – a 4-week study of Scripture and psychology into what the grieving process looks like and results in. $20/person. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, Apr 03 – 24.
UNPACKING: Judgment/Punishment – a 4-week challenging, Scriptural study of what judgment is and how it works, and what role punishment plays in the process. $20/person. Saturdays, 10am-noon, Apr 07 – 28.
If you want more details on the topics or their locations, or want to register for any of them, email us at info@rekindlingministries.com. Payments are due the first session of class, and can be done via cash, check, Cash App, Venmo, or credit card.
Rekindling Band App Invite link: https://band.us/n/ada5w4B1p537k
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Ep03.11a: Unpacking Series - Evil/Sin (a definition)
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
EVIL/SIN: primarily, a turning from God or His beneficial goods and secondarily, a turning to something detrimental (to you or others).
Thus begins an almost seven hour exploration into what evil and sin are according to Scripture. Given the scope and sheer volume of information on this issue, we have broken the study into six sections:
a: a definition of evil/sin
b: what evil/sin results in
c: why a perfect, good, loving, and omnipotent God allows evil/sin
d: a working list of all the evils/sins the Bible mentions
e: how God interacts with and responds to sin
f: how we are to minimize, interact with, and respond to sin
And here is the TIMESTAMP for this episode A:
0:00 - an introduction to unpacking the concept of evil and sin, and explaining why this study was developed and how it will be presented over six sessions.
24:27 - looking at the initial terminology of and philosophy behind evil and sin, including other overlapping, relevant unpacking issues like love, good, etc.
52:26 - coming to a conclusion on the scriptural definition of evil and sin.
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Ep03.10: Unpacking Series - Good
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
GOOD: a biblical is good is something that (subjectively or objectively) is inherently valuable [G0], pleasing [G1], beneficial [G2], and/or right/straight [G3].
What exactly does it mean when the Bible refers to something as good? What does this tell us about God and life? (Hint: it helps us better understand why a good God allows evil/sin and suffering.)
0:00 - an introduction to unpacking the concept of good and how this all ties in with the issues of inter-determinism, evil/sin, and suffering.
22:33 - looking at the initial terminology and philosophy of good.
52:37 - highlighting key notes from each of the sections of Scripture.
1:43:14 - coming to a conclusion on the scriptural, 4-part definition of 'good'.
1:47:32 - discussing some of the inter-workings, nuances, and details about all that is 'good'
2:06:03 - benefits of pursuing what is 'good'
2:13:10 - final thoughts, take-aways, and application of this study
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Ep03.09: Unpacking Series - Inter-determinism
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
INTER-DETERMINISM: the spectrum concept that the reason anything occurs is due to some combination of divine, angelic, human, and animal decisions and actions, whether it is hard (irresistible) or soft (influential), active or passive (with a possibility of randomness being a factor as well). The exact combination ratio will vary from situation to situation and person to person, dependent upon a wide possibility of factors.
Alright, here is one of the biggest, important 'rabbit trails' of Christian theology - the issue of inter-determinism, i.e. how does God interact with the events of life or why do things play out the way they do?
0:00 - an introduction to the concept of inter-determinism, preliminary things to consider
23:27 - definining key terms & ideas, such as 'sovereignty', 'determinism', 'free will', etc.; also discussing the potential psychology behind different theories and the need for respect, humility, and open-mindedness in this discussion
1:37:48 - explaining the concept and components of 'complex determinism'
2:08:37 - discussing the spectrum of possibilities and the four basic camps of thought on divine determinism
2:45:34 - final take-aways & application
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Ep03.08: Unpacking Series - Glory
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
GLORY: a resplendent heaviness (glowing like heated metal in multicolored radiance, with a substantive presence, and with great worth and rank).
- to make resplendently heavy or increase something's resplendent heaviness
- to recognize, revel in, reflect, and reveal God's resplendent heaviness.
What exactly is 'glory' according to the Bible, and what does it mean to 'glorify' God?
0:00 - an introduction to unpacking the concept of glory
12:09 - original wordings, key definitions/terminology, relevant passages & concepts
28:44 - a working definition of glory and glorify
55:45 - details, nuances, interworkings of glory
1:29:29 - benefits & results of glorifying God
1:48:01 - how glory relates to love
1:59:57 - take-aways & application
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Ep03.07: Unpacking Series - Love
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
LOVE is of: (Mk12:28-31)
HEART: strong emotional affection for, delight in, and supernatural affinity with (aheb, agape)
- beholding beauty & value, a passionate treasuring (Songs)
- longing to see, seeking after, inviting in & vulnerably sharing life with (Songs, Pro, 1Th2:8,3:6)
- unashamedly, lavishly celebrating the object of affection (Songs)
SOUL: willful, committed, loyal, devoted, covenantal faithfulness to (chesed; Rom 12:9-19)
- sincere, pure, fervent & earnest, not lacking zeal, in truth & deed (Rom12:9-19, 1Pet1:22,4:8, 1Jn3:18)
- a willingness to lay my life down for (Jn15:13)
- humbly obedient to God, keeping His commandments (Jn14:15)
MIND: an intentional disposition of always desiring good for one another and all people (1Th5:8-15)
- rejoicing in truth rather than unrighteousness (1Cor13)
- making of things right/just (in speaking & doing) (Mic6:8, Pro14:22,Rom12)
- compassionate empathy, truly seeking to understand how a person is wired and what they are going through
- patience & forgiveness of wrongs (Unp:Patience, Unp:Mercy, Luk7:47, 1Cor13, 1Th5:13)
- bearing and enduring the sins and struggles of others (1Cor13)
- covering over sin (not disclosing it, not creating discord) (Pro10:12, 1Pet4:8)
- grieving the wrong, without anger, bitterness, resentment, or irritation (Gen6:6, Eph4:31)
- not taking revenge, instead repaying evil with good (Rom12:9-19)
- refraining from enforcing what may be due or right, in the moment
- moving the responsibility for atonement (compensation) off of the wrongdoer onto God*
- not taking wrong into account (extinguishing their guilt; 1Cor13)
- regaining full goodwill toward (Pro16:6)
- willing to reconcile (dependent upon the wrongdoer’s confession & discipline/training)
- not unbecoming or rude (1Cor13), not provoking others (Gal5:26)
- not causing any to stumble, make every effort to what leads to peace and mutual edification (Rom14:15-19)
- living in peace and harmony with one another (Rom12)
- honor one another above yourselves, regard each other as more important (Rom12:9-19, Phil2:3)
& STRENGTH: an active, abundant, practical, sacrificial contribution to well-being
- spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, & resource-wise
- hospitable (Rom12:9-19)
- serving and helping one another as needed (Gal5:13, Phil2:4)
- rejoicing with those who rejoice, mourning with those who mourn (Rom12:9-19)
- encouraging the fainthearted and helping the weak (1Th5:14)
- caring tenderly and gently (1Th2:7), comfort, treat with tenderness (2Cor1:4-7, 2:7)
- protecting, rescuing, saving (2Sam22:20, Ps146:9, Jhn3:16)
- blessing, showing favor/grace (Unp:Grace)
- sharing the gospel/good news (1Th2:9)
- provoking others to love and good works (Heb10:24)
- teaching kindness (which includes establishing and protecting kings) (Pro20:28)
- diligently identifying wrongs & pruning to right (Pro3:12)
- speak truth, teach, encourage, implore, exhort, rebuke/admonish, discipline, & correct others to walk in a manner worthy of the lord (for the unruly & those in opposition), all done restoratively & gently, not harshly (1Th2:11-12,5:14, 2Tim2:25)
- reluctantly willing to use suffering (sours, wind sprints) when needed; relenting when needed
- edifying, building up one another (1Th5:11)
- always trusting and hopeful (in God and the potential of others) (1Cor13)
- …
- with a physical intimacy with spouse (Songs, 1Cor7:5)
Okay, here's the big one! What exactly is "love" according to Scripture? How does one receive it and offer it? What does it result in? Why is this the most important thing in God's plans?
00:00 - an introduction to unpacking love
15:41 - original wordings, key definitions/terminology, relevant passages & concepts
1:26:28 - a working definition of love
1:31:33 - details, nuances, interworkings of love in action
2:17:26 - benefits & results of such love
2:23:30 - the criticalness & superiority of love
2:30:14 - take-aways & application
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
90.1 The Light radio interview - 27 Oct 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
As Shannon is out of town this week, we'll take a break from the Unpacking Series and upload a fun interview he and Zach did back in October on 90.1 The Light with Isaiah Wilhelm.
In the first section, they discuss the question "Hasn't science done away with the idea of God?"
In the second section, they discuss the question, "If Jesus rose again in 3 days, can it really be called a sacrifice?"
In the final section, they team up with the DJs and play a round of word games.
(FYI, there's a couple of short silent spaces; keep listening, the show continues!)
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Ep03.06: Unpacking Series - Maturity
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Christian growth/maturity:
- the further advancement (leveling up) into our individual full potential,
- which comes through deliberate, gradual progress over time,
- as we augment, enable, and tweak our spiritual nature (thoroughly, in every necessary detail),
- by applying the details of Scripture to the details of our lives as we walk in step with the Spirit,
- until we reach complete, excellent, perfectly sound, Christ-like character (according to our design),
- so that we may most fully love God and others.
- [which will be rewarded in Heaven]
Christian maturity is the gradual process of deliberately walking in step with the Spirit, to enhance every necessary detail of our spiritual nature, until we become the complete version of who Christ designed us to be.
Following up on the episode on Faith, we now look at the deeper aspects of faith, where we are maturing in our application of the details of Scripture, 'leveling up' and becoming the more complete persons that God designed us to be.
00:00 - introduction to spiritual maturity
06:02 - original wordings, key definitions/terminology, relevant passages & concepts
35:08 - a working definition of Christian maturity
46:09 - details, nuances, interworkings of the maturation process
1:36:00 - benefits & results of maturing in your faith
1:49:51 - take-aways & application